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Instant Credibility: Nine great ways your new book will help you attract opportunities and wealth.


Building a Mountain of Credibility™ is the best way to grow your business, increase your wealth and make your impact with the people and markets you hope to serve.  Like climbing Mt. Everest there are many steps along the journey. There is planning and preparation, funding, training and skill development, then there is team building, plus guides and coaches and the application of processes and systems, then ultimately you begin your quest by putting all those skills to work. One by one, they seem small and insignificant, but together every incremental thing added onto the next leads to exponential success.  When you make your ascent to the summit, you need everything to come together with a final push of inner strength, courage and desire. Once there, at the top of the world, there is no one else beside you and you stand above everyone.


In business and marketing it is the same. Building a wide foundation of skills, expertise and content then layering on mediums to share your wisdom and knowledge is needed to reach the top of your Mountain of Credibility™. There is one thing that places you above all others and that is a book. Being the author is like climbing Everest. It is a respected accomplishment, the success is revered and the feat gives you instant credibility. Jack Canfield, author of the #1 Bestselling book, Chicken Soup for the Soul, and co-founder of the entire world wide book series, once said, “When smart people look for answers, they read books. When they want to learn from the expert, they hire the author.”


Once you’ve reached your peak and written your book, what will you do to make the most of this great accomplishment?


Here are some of the best ways to market by leveraging your book to give you more opportunities, attract more ideal customers and earn more wealth.


In my Six Month Book Mastery Coaching program, I help people like you position, package and publish your book so you can get it done this year. In the next pages, I am going to teach you how to re-position, re-purpose and re-package your book and the credibility that comes with it.

Instant Credibility


    ©2022 Grow Get Give Coaching.

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