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Writer's pictureMike Skrypnek

The Power of NO

It’s GET more freedom, Wednesday.

Learn your Freedom Rules™

Today we held our first “Breakfast with Mike” Zoom call. This is an open invitation for any entrepreneur in my universe who wants to jump on a call, meet some folks and share your mid-week insights and get a little pep talk to inspire you to get over the hump, for the rest of your week.

On Tuesday, I was telling a business owner I know, about the breakfast. She said she would be there. I was surprised, because she is generally very busy at that time of day. When I mentioned it, she told me that I was lucky she was going to attend. You see, she has embraced the power of NO for 2020. That she blocks her time and protects her freedom by saying NO…often.

When she started out on her journey of NO, she admitted that she was nervous. That if she told too many people NO, she might alienate or irritate clients. But she shared that she wasn’t doing it for others, she was doing it for her. You see, she gave up so much time the past year by avoiding saying no to things she didn’t want to do, people she didn’t want to work with, and projects that weren’t fulfilling. She felt guilt and was drained of energy all the time. She was worried that if she said NO, she might not get the business and she needed the business. Even with the pandemic, she decided to stick to her “NO” guns.

What do you think happened? No…she didn’t make tons more money – this a pandemic that has made growth challenging, but what did happen is that she kept all her clients…AND got the space and time she needed to feel freedom to do the things she loves.

So let go of the rope, don’t resist. If people are making unreasonable demands on your time and there are projects or tasks that you really shouldn’t be doing and even despise, then say NO. Once you learn the power of NO, you will find you say YES to more exciting opportunities, adventures and personal growth. Get to YES through NO.

If you are a mid-career entrepreneur owner struggling to make your impact and want a great business and fulfilling life, then my small group coaching and one-on-one coaching could be right for you. To find out how the entrepreneur owners in our Grow Get Give Coaching family are succeeding and thriving today, growing their business, getting more freedom and giving back, just email me at

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